Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to the first edition of the NanoLabNL Userday on Monday, 28 October 2024, in Eindhoven. We are organising two sessions during the day with speakers from Delft, Eindhoven and Twente. Of course, there will be plenty of room for networking and exchanging knowledge and expertise.

The NanoLabNL Userday will occur during the first day of the annual International MicroNanoConference (iMNC), which MinacNed organises on 28 and 29 October. We kindly invite you to attend the plenary session of the iMNC, which will feature keynote lectures by Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (ASML), Prof. Dr. Bert Meijer (Eindhoven University), and Prof. Dr. Albert van den Berg (University of Twente), and to use the networking opportunities with companies, knowledge institutions, and students.

The outline programme for Monday 28 October (iMNC plenary sessions + NanoLabNL sessions) is as follows:

Time Session Location
08.30 – 09.30 h Walk-in with coffee and tea Central hall
09.30 – 11.00 h Opening iMNC24 with keynote lectures

  • Opening iMNC by Martijn Fransen (chairman MinacNed) , Cas Damen (chairman Program Committee) and Guus Rijnders (chairman Supervisory Board NanoLabNL)
  • Keynote lecture by Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (ASML) – ASML and its role in the chip industry: Fundamental challenges
  • Keynote lecture Prof. Dr. Bert Meijer (Eindhoven University of Technology) – From supramolecular polymers to functional materials and systems
Room ‘Blauwe Zaal’
11.00 – 11.30 h Coffee and Tea break Central hall
11.30 – 13.00 h

First session NanoLabNL Userday

  • Short introduction by Raoul Oostenbrink and Frank Dirne
  • Aleksandr Zozulia (Eindhoven University of Technology) – DUV scanner lithography for InP membrane photonics
  • Paolo Sberna (Delft University of Technology) – Advanced micro&nano fabrication for next generation sensing at the Else Kooi Lab
  • Tarik Işık (University of Twente) – Low-loss silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits
  • Anne Klinken (Eindhoven University of Technology) – A journey towards improved Integrated Spectral Sensors
13.00 – 14.30 h Lunch and networking Central hall
14.30 – 16.00 h

Second session NanoLabNL Userday

  • Short introduction on NanoLabNL by Guus Rijnders
  • Raoul Oostenbrink (NanoLabNL) – Title: tba
  • Erik Bakkers (Eindhoven University of Technology) – New routes towards disorder free devices
  • Edin Sarajlic (Bruker, user of the NanoLab University of Twente) Title: tba
  • Delphine Brousse (QuTech, user of the Delft NanoLab) – Delft High Repro Silicon Line: a path toward scalable quantum chips, a bridge between academic facilities and industrial lines
16.00 – 16.30 h Coffee and Tea break Central hall
16.30 -18.30 h Afternoon program iMNC24 with a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Albert van den Berg Room ‘Blauwe Zaal’
18.30 h Start evening program and social networking (optional) Gathering at Central hall
Register for the NanoLabNL Userday

We value your attendance, and therefore, NanoLabNL will cover 50% of your application fee.

Please note that the NanoLabNL Userday sessions will only take place on the first day of the iMNC, Monday, 28 October. Of course, you are very welcome to attend both days of the iMNC. If you register for both days, NanoLabNL still covers 50% of the application fee for the first day. 

We hope to see you in Eindhoven!

Best regards,

On behalf of NanoLabNL,

Frank Dirne, Pieter Telleman, Isabelle Palstra, Gerard Roelofs and Johan Holstein