The NanoLab@TU/e facilities play an important role in the research carried out at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Located centrally in the top technology region of Eindhoven, NanoLab@TU/e serves photonic and nanotechnology research and innovation in the Netherlands, either through academic research activities or through the multitude of industrial collaborations.
Focus areas & technologies at TU/e Eindhoven
The expert technologies below are available at this location / laboratory and unlikely to be found anywhere else in the country. To make use of these techniques and facilities, you can contact the specific location / laboratory.
III-V integrated photonics |
E-beam |
193 nm scanner |
Deep reactive Ion Etching |
III-V etching |
Materials / growth
Organic, magnetic and semiconducting materials & devices |
Growth of nanostructures and nanolayers |
Contact us
Locations & facilities
NanoLabNL is a Dutch national facility for nanotechnology research. Since 2003 we have been offering the use of our facilities and expertise to universities, research institutes, start-ups and industry at 5 locations in the Netherlands.